
"A beautifully creative and thought-provoking film" - Boston Sci-Fi Film festival


故事從一群獨特工作者出發,述說他們彼此之間的關係,以及對時間的觀點,如何因為時光旅行而受到挑戰。片中從各個角度去探討時間,包含時間的流逝、年齡增長的困惑、面對日復一日的心境等,辯證時間的理性與感性。英文片名 "Paradoxical" 是形容詞,矛盾的、悖論的。

"Paradoxical" is an independent science fiction film from Taiwan.

A man with a mysterious background meets a beautiful, enigmatic plant designer. As the two embark on a series of unconventional dates, she discovers a mysterious lottery ticket, revealing the man's true profession and overturns their definition of time. The seemingly unrelated incidents unfold to reveal an unexpected conclusion- offering a thought-provoking commentary on the paradoxical nature of both time travel and life.


榮獲新加坡國際設計影展開幕片,以及城市遊牧影展閉幕片與首獎的肯定,《漢字》是一部用中文漢字探討國際設計、視覺文化和身份認同的紀錄片。片中探討了許多議題包含語言如何塑造身份、手寫在數位時代角色等。由於近日亞洲文化的興起以及對字型設計的講究,《漢字》訪談了來自世界各地的設計師與相關領域的意見領袖,包括 Chineasy 創辦人薛曉嵐、著名的日本字體設計師小林章、香港首位中文字體設計師柯熾堅、還有世界上最後一個正體中文鉛字鑄字廠日星鑄字行。 《漢字》鼓勵觀眾透過全然不同的設計觀點,重新審視和思考自己的文化與身份認同。

Hanzi is a feature-length documentary exploring international design, visual culture and identity through the lens of modern Chinese typography.

Chinese is one of the oldest and most used languages in the world, yet it is perceived as difficult to learn. Furthermore, there has been a lack of discussion on Chinese typography and its transition into the digital era compared to its western counterparts. Recently there has been a renaissance and reviewing of Chinese characters in Asia and internationally, with typography and lettering books often topping the best selling books, and more and more typographical courses and workshops being held in the cities. We think that’s worth exploring to the discussion of design and cultural identity.    

This film is not just about Chinese characters, and we wanted to keep the ideas and messages applicable to all languages and cultures. Exploring universal subjects such as "How does language shape identity? What role does handwriting play in the digital age?”, Hanzi encourages audiences around the world to revisit and rethink their own culture, language and identity.


曾在網路上被評為「七部硬體創業者必看電影」之一,《Maker 自造世代》已於 40 幾個國家放映超過 400 多場,進了 18 個國際影展,包含 CPH:DOX 哥本哈根國際紀錄片影展、Aarhus 丹麥國際影展、比利時 KIKK 影展以及韓國首爾建築影展,並受邀 2015 年美國全國性自造者嘉年華 National Maker Faire作唯一的電影放映!《自造世代》是一部在探討「自造者運動」的國際紀錄片,議題 包含 Maker Faire(自造者嘉年華)、Makerspace(自造者空間)、Open Source、3D 列印、 Crowdfunding(群眾募資)、Manufacturing(製造)、自造者的商業模式等等。

“Maker” is a feature-length documentary that looks into the current Maker Movement in America – a new wave of Do-It-Yourself and Do-It-Together culture fueled by passion and powered by the advent of new technologies.

Selected for one of “7 Documentaries for the Open Hardware Entrepreneur,” Maker has been selected in more than 18 international film festivals, and screened at more than 300 events around the world, including Google, Microsoft, Autodesk, Maker Faire, and Harvard University.

Design & Thinking《設計與思考》

被美國最具權威的財經雜誌 - Forbes 富比世雜誌嚴選為必看紀錄片之一,《設計與思考》是一部在探討「設計思考」的國際紀錄片。片中我們訪問了美國知名設計公司,並將鏡頭延伸到各行各業,有創業家、企業家、教育家、單車族、廚師、科學家、政府官員、甚至是電影工作者,瞭解他們如何面對難解問題。一推出便造成設計圈的廣傳,許多知名企業與學校都競相放映,包含Google、Microsoft,、Target 等世界各大企業團體,還有哈佛、柏克萊大學、西北大學等。本片至今仍在國際設計圈間廣傳,是設計學生必看的紀錄片。美國設計師協會執行長 Richard Grefé 讚譽為「設計領域的一大貢獻!」

"Design & Thinking" is a documentary exploring the idea of "design thinking."

We interviewed Tim Brown, Roger Martin, Bill Moggridge, David Kelley, and many leading design thinkers in the world. Selected by Forbes as one of “Must-See Design Documentaries You Don't Want To Miss,” Design & Thinking has been screened at more than 400 events across 40 countries, including Google, Microsoft, Target, Harvard University, Northwestern University, Berkeley University, and many more.

How do we fully engage organizations to think about the changing landscape of business, culture and society? Inspired by design thinking, this documentary grabs businessman, designers, social change-makers and individuals to portrait what they have in common when facing this ambiguous 21st century. What is design thinking? How is it applied in business models? How are people changing the worldwith their own creative minds? It is a call to the conventional minds to change and collaborate.